WCC - Zoom Meeting Wed., Sept. 23rd

Wild Community Connection (WCC) who we are and what we do:

  • A not for profit, volunteer association at The Oxford School

  • We are a volunteer group of parents, caregivers and teachers

  • We support, encourage and advocate for our students by partnering with staff, families and the wider community

  • Dedicated to enhancing the educational and social experiences of all Oxford School students.

We would like to make a connection with all parents of The Oxford School. Our first meeting will be on Wednesday September 23rd at 8pm, via Zoom (link to be emailed). We invite you to join us, say “Hello”, introduce yourself and ask any questions about the WCC and what we do. Our Head of School, Adam de Pencier will be available to give us an update on the first weeks of school as well.

Our current Executive Lead is Jennifer Pullen and our Past Executive is Amber Vervaecke. We are seeking to add to our Executive team and have the following positions available; Secretary Treasurer, Event Lead, Social Lead and Fundraising Lead. If you would like to become a member of the WCC, application and nomination forms can be found at www.theoxfordschool.ca/wcc. Please nominate a friend or volunteer yourself… we welcome all interested! Nomination forms are due to the school on October 1st and we will announce the full executive team at our first official meeting on Wednesday, October 7th via Zoom call.

In the past, the WCC has organized and assisted with a Welcome Back BBQ, Potluck, Woodstock Santa Claus Parade, Hot Chocolate Social after Skating, donation drive for The Christmas Place, Hot Chocolate for Winterfest, Clubs, Teacher Appreciation, Muffins for Mom Tea and Donuts for Dudes Tea. We are able to support these events with the following fundraisers, Holiday Urns, Lovable Labels and FlipGive. All money raised by the WCC is used to support our students with school events and materials to help deepen our community spirit and enrich our students’ educational, social and developmental experiences.

Whether you choose to volunteer on our executive or attend the meetings as a part of our team, please know that you are welcome and we are eager to support The Oxford School and our students in many ways.

Please join us Wednesday September 23rd at 8pm via Zoom.
For more information on the Wild Community Connection
check out www.theoxfordschool.ca/wcc or email WCC@theoxfordschool.ca

WCC Available Positions

SECRETARY TREASURER (1 position): This position is responsible for setting General Meeting agendas and taking meeting minutes (or finding a replacement to do so). They will also handle distributing meeting minutes and communication of events and all things WCC. They will manage the WCC bank account and funds and create financial reports.

EVENT LEAD (1 position): This position will focus on planning and implementing various events throughout the school year that enrich our students and families school experience (e.g. November Pot Luck, Family Skating Party, Evening Parent Mixer etc.) and/or recruiting volunteers to help.

SOCIAL LEAD (1 position): This position will focus on fostering the "family" atmosphere of the school. They will work to develop a way to welcome new families and students into the school. They will assist the Event Lead in implementing activities or events that fall under the "social" category (e.g. Family Skating Party, Evening Parent Mixer etc.)

FUNDRAISING LEAD (1 position): This position will focus on planning and implementing appropriate fundraisers and/or recruiting others to assist with this throughout the school year.

VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE: This is a subcommittee of individuals interested in being active volunteers in the areas of events, social planning or fundraising during the school year.  It will provide the executive with a list of contacts to reach out to throughout the school year when volunteers are needed.