School Name Change


Through careful consideration the decision has been made to change the school name to The Oxford School for the 2019 school year and forward. This change is necessary to ensure the school is visibly seen as non-denominational and inclusive to all faiths and backgrounds. The selected name is appropriate not only for Woodstock, but the entire Oxford region.

This will be a soft transition to the new school name over the next six months, not everything will change all at once. The name will take full effect for September 1st 2019, when the students arrive in the fall, the school will officially be known as The Oxford School. This will affect many things, including the contact information for faculty, the website address, all payment information pertaining to the school and so on. In regards to school uniforms for the coming year the majority of the clothing will remain the same, school colours and tartan will remain, items embroidered with “Trinity” will need to be replaced. Anyone who had purchased a school crest this year will receive a free replacement courtesy of the school for the upcoming year. Newly added items, such as “The Wild” gym shirt & spirit wear will remain, as they do not say “Trinity”.