School Retention Tops 97%

As our week winds down not even cloudy skies and flapping flags can dampen our enthusiasm, and on behalf of my colleagues I want to especially thank our WCC (Wild Community Connection) parent group for a host of activities that gave parents and students the opportunity to show their appreciation (Friday coffee and treats courtesy of the WCC) during this, TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK.

Even more encouraging is the proof that our family and faculty partnership is very much alive and well: as of this morning, the day of our RE-REGISTRATION CLOSING, OUR RETENTION RATE IS 97%, with one or two families undecided.

To put this in perspective, the average of CAIS schools (Canadian Accredited Independent Schools, runs somewhere between 82% and 85%, with anything higher considered a home run.

If you are interested in a place in one or our open grades or joining a wait list in those now full, please contact our Director of Admissions Kim Dorken, at or by phone at 519 421 3453.