Parents are invited to join their child’s house colour for a fun afternoon outside to enjoy the Canadian Winter while completing planned challenges and having loads of fun. We will be celebrating Friday Tea with a twist, Hot Chocolate will be served and a point awards ceremony celebration will follow.
1:15 - Announcements for all students to get dressed, head outside and meet in their house areas
1:30 - Team activities warm up: Cheers, limbo, snow angels, singing in French, decorate bristol board, etc
1:45 - Activity #1: Tobaggan Races
2:00 - Activity #2A: Snow art Contest (House Collage)
2:15 - Activity #3: Snow moving competition
2:30 - Activity #2B: Snow Art Revisited
Each house will be given 15 mins to complete snow art tasks
Judges will evaluate at 2:45
2:45 - Hot Chocolate and Treat at the baseball diamond
3:00 - Closing Ceremonies: Regroup with Houses at Coloured Signs
Cheer, sing, more limbo, games or snow angels
3:10 - Dismissal for the weekend
Scholastic Book Fair "Dinomite Dinosaurs"
Location: Woodstock Trinity School
Hours: Before School 7:30-9:00am and After School 3:30-5:00pm